What's more powerful than PRAYER? (Surprise Release...La Oracion)

What's more powerful than prayer? Nothing that I could ever think of of. 


The story of this song is so powerful, it probably would bless even thousands more if it were put into FIVE  different languages. For now we have chosen one, with Spanish text. The inspiration for the song is below. I hope you enjoy and share this with your friends so we can share the Gospel. 


Written by David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Alberto Testa and Tony Renis 
Hebrew Translation: Dr. Michael Michael, Performed by Michelle Gold & Adam Martinez



Here's the song, below!!! 

La Oracion- Video of Studio Audio Performance


If you would like to give to this project, simply go to http://www.michellegold.com/GIVE. Be sure to like, subscribe and SHARE so we share our hope and faith!

Sincerely, Michele Gold